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Writer's pictureTom Johnson, PopieTom

Liberalism & The Rule of Law in The USA

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Who out there believes, agrees with me, that speech and ideas today called liberal and progressive are actually illiberal and regressive? Today, these illiberal-regressive ideas rule US based on woke political correctness that spins universal objective reality using vocabulary change, claims of victimization & white supremacy, race, gender, identity (Bud Light Beer's misstep), environment (climate change), Big Government (historically colossal debt), critical social justice(equity), and inclusionary rules all the time ignoring common sense. The Constitution, the Rule of Law, and free market capitalism are being devalued below the value given to political correctness. Many politically correct issues pushed on society today are not in the purview of the government without extensive Constitutional change. The original Constitution, four pages long, addresses only People, not identities; it assumes diversity. Once worldwide slavery and patriarchy were abolished in the USA, women's, races', and all identities' rights were secure; all People had the same rights and opportunities as other People according to the Rule of Law and the Constitution.

Today, Our government is so often blamed for social problems outside the Government's purview. The government's Rule of Law must be applied case-by-case, on an entity/individual versus entity/individual basis. The Rule of Law only applies to individual People or entities, not identities, races, and genders. The implementation, the social execution, is a partnership between ideologies, including religion, and secular ideologies, including wokism. Yes, you are free to be woke just as you are free to be religious. However, ideologies are not the Rule of Law; they are subordinate to limited Government in a free society. Thus the separation of Church (including all secular ideologies) and State. Freedoms guaranteed by the Constitutional Republic Democracy protects everyone from being punished for their views and actions that do not violate the Rule of Law.

Since the news has been politicized instead of objectified, We, The People, have to reach liberal objectivity by listening to newscasts on both sides of the political divide to ensure we get a shot at objective news before deciding what we believe and what actions we are motivated to take. Our nation is dangerously politically split to the point that liberal, progressive democracy is impossible.

The illiberal, regressive political issues are not questioned and debated in a free, open, liberal debate, a democracy. The "solutions" are not liberal-progressive, not democratic, and not based on consensus and critical scientific thought. Politics is only one of the precursors to modifying the Rule of Law; it is not the Rule of Law in a Constitutional Republic Democracy. Our government has no successful future addressing illiberal-regressive political ideas and topics.

If we are ruled by politics instead of law, we will become a failed country. Social welfare has an actual liberal-progressive limit addressed later in this article. To go beyond critically required government welfare is ruinous to our nation or any nation. Americans are generous in giving to others. For the government to go beyond promoting welfare is Socialism which has been illiberal-regressive in every country it has been tried.

Rule of Law Definition

The rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities, including the government itself, are accountable to laws that are: Publicly promulgated. Equally enforced. Constitutional. Independently adjudicated.The Rule of Law permeates all aspects of American life. For example, traffic laws let us know who has the right of way, and environmental laws and regulations tell us what we can put into the ground, air, and water. What is commonly referred to as The Rule of Law is the principle that all persons will be treated equally and justly in a civilized society. No one is above the law. The highest aspirations of the rule of law are established in the United States Constitution and the various states' Constitutions.

Not only people, institutions, and entities must follow the Rule of Law, but the government must also follow The Rule of Law. This is a far cry from where we are at the moment.

Rule of Law, Not So Much Anymore!

One summer afternoon a few years ago, my cousin and I were in Starbucks for coffee after a 20-mile bike ride on the American River bike path in Sacramento, California. Two CHP officers took a coffee break at the table beside us. My cousin and I discussed the Rule of Law and how it does not mean what it used to mean. It seems the USA has regressed from the USA we knew when we were young. I remember police ticketing 5 miles over the speed limit when I was young. A few years ago, we got a ticket for 13 miles over the speed limit, and the officer explained that the ticket standard was 10 miles over the posted speed limit.

My cousin asked the two officers at the table next to us what their take on compliance with the Rule of Law. One officer explained that the current policy used by most, not all, CHP officers is to ticket drivers that exceed 80 miles per hour on the freeways where the speed limit is 65 miles per hour. In my lifetime, we have gone from 5 to 10 and now 15 miles per hour over the speed limit. I do not think this is the only creeping deterioration of our rule of law. This is a severe problem as the rule of law is fundamental and existential to the health and survivability of society; the rule of law must be enforced, and violations must have consequences. Government helps no one by not aggressively enforcing the rule of law.

Bart Asked: "Is California Proposition 47 liberal and progressive? Of Course, It Is ILLIBERAL & REGRESSIVE In A State of True Liberalism, Which is Not California. Note the Bias of AI!

Yes, California Proposition 47 is considered a liberal and progressive measure. It was passed by voters in 2014 with 59% of the vote, and it reduced certain low-level drug and property crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. The measure's supporters argued that it would reduce mass incarceration, save the state money, and redirect resources to treatment and prevention programs. Opponents argued that it would lead to an increase in crime and make communities less safe.According to a 2018 study by the Public Policy Institute of California, Proposition 47 has had a number of positive effects. The study found that the measure has led to a decrease in the number of people incarcerated for low-level offenses, a reduction in the cost of incarceration, and an increase in the number of people receiving treatment for substance abuse and mental health problems. The study also found that there is no evidence that Proposition 47 has led to an increase in crime. Proposition 47 has been praised by criminal justice reform advocates, who argue it is a step towards a more just and humane criminal justice system. Law enforcement officials have criticized the measure, who argue that keeping communities safe has made it more challenging. Overall, Proposition 47 is a controversial measure that has had both positive and negative effects. It is a complex issue with no easy answers.

Note that Bard, a significant AI knowledge base, reflects the insanity sweeping the US today by classifying Proposition 47 as liberal and progressive, supported by 59% of Californians voting for it. Given the undeniable increase in organized gang shoplifting, how many Californians would vote for Proposition 47 today? When the whims of a simple majority ignore the Constitution and the Rule of Law, unintended consequences are inevitable.

History of Liberalism

Human history has progressed as man has learned how to govern, live with each other, and enact and enforce the rule of law. When positive change occurs or man deals positively with objective reality, we call it progressive liberalism. Recently, in human history, after 1700, during the Enlightenment period, man worldwide established that science, reason, and individual rights expressed in a shared objective reality were the basis for the best government. At the same time, capitalism emerged as the most productive and efficient economic system. After 1700 many countries realized that liberalism and capitalism were the best structures for governing their countries and being prosperous. Over the last 300+ years, many countries have found liberalism and capitalism the best governance form. Today, even socialist and communist governments have realized they must rely on free market capitalism to obtain their economic goals.

1776, the United States of America was created based on the new liberalism. This grand experiment was imperfect, but it was the best example of freedom, capitalism, liberalism, and progressivism the world had ever seen. There is no question that the USA is today the greatest and most prosperous country in the world. But can we progress even though elites and illiberal politicians question and bypass the Rule of Law?

It was post-1960 that the academic elite began to question everything while hijacking liberalism and progressivism, denouncing most of the objective truth and knowledge base where humanity had made progress in the past. They criticized capitalism even as socialist and communist countries discovered it and made progress because they aggressively adopted it.

The following values of true Liberalism are listed in the introduction to "SOCIAL (IN)JUSTICE" written by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay. True progressive liberalism requires at least adherence to these values:

Democracy, What Do You Think? -

Each person must have access to all objective facts. Politics can be a marketing campaign by those wanting to control you, the opposite of freedom. It does not matter what other people think. What do you think? In a true democracy, you must vote for your truth; if not, democracy does not work.

Limited Government, Smaller is Better! -

The US Constitution was originally only four pages long. The U.S. Constitution has 4,400 words. It is the oldest and shortest written Constitution of any significant government worldwide in existence today. Over the years, the legislation added to the US Constitution has grown; each legislation, a bill, now numbers well over 1000 pages. Less and less legislation has indeed been passed over the last many years, but the legislation has gotten harder to pass and understand. Debate is decided/stagnated before it even starts. A vast federal bureaucracy of unelected officials has grown, making regulations as powerful as the legislation they are created from (democracy?). The national power of the purse has obliterated States' ability to decide for themselves, much less the rest of US. Note that a less powerful State dictates a less powerful city, a less powerful community, a less powerful family, and a less powerful individual, a more authoritarian government. You have much less democratic power than you thought you had. Our Federal Government now dictates to We, The People.

Separation of Church and State -

Our liberal Constitution and The Rule of Law were designed to work with a compatible religious or at least an ideological society. Realizing that not everyone practices the Christian faith, the US decided not to require religious faith but only adherence to The Rule of Law which was based broadly on the many religions consistent with the liberal views of our Constitution. Liberalism means positive, progressive change. Provisions were made for this purpose should the need to democratically add or change The Rule of Law arise.

In the United States of America, socialism was initially, from 1776, delegated to the Church and the individual. The Constitution hardly addresses helping people; it says only:

We, the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

For Those Able to Work

The Constitution states that the government's responsible for " promoting the general welfare," but some individuals have interpreted this as an endorsement of socialism. This perspective advocates for the redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to the less affluent, which is inefficient and results in government overreach. This raises concerns about the government being guilty of violating The Rule of Law.

The family controls parenting. Good parents promote the welfare of their children by establishing an allowance which is workfare for chores they perform. Even wild animals train their young to be self-sufficient. Nowhere in nature will you find socialism; only unsuccessful human nature adopts socialism. The natural liberal progressive rule of law is liberalism and free market capitalism.

If anything is done at all, the Government should "promote the general Welfare" by offering workfare so all taxpayers get value and all recipients establish a self-supporting lifestyle. Furthermore, Government could offer incentive tax deductions to businesses and individuals for creating jobs, free market capitalism Workfare. The best role for Government is to shape and monitor fair free market capitalism to achieve "general welfare" rather than violating the Constitutional rule of law by playing Robin Hood. Value gifted to some is inflationary for all.

For Those Unable to Work

Truly progressive liberal governments realize the most efficient way to provide welfare for those who cannot provide for themselves in our free market capitalistic society is the charity of individuals, churches, and ideological organizations who are able and motivated to perform the necessary support and services. In the 1950s, people were proud to be self-sufficient and would go to great lengths to avoid being seen as needing charity or church support; it was a stigma. Those unable to take care of themselves were always taken care of. However, today people are quick to take the tax money confiscated or borrowed by the government as a deserved entitlement. Some could take care of themselves but choose not to; they feel entitled to add to their wealth. Few ask themselves - when is enough enough?

I Would Add the Separation of Ideology and State -

More important today than ever before in human history for the same reason the church was separated from the state in 1776; the internet with social media constitutes a 24X7 platform comprising a governing-like force of ideologies that is nothing short of a religion in how it powers its way to control We The People, attempting to overrule our Constitution and it's Rule of Law. Artificial Intelligence is the next technology to increase this platform's power. Therefore, we must separate ideologies from the government as well as religion. Religion and ideology are politics until it becomes the Rule of Law. I would suggest the following action items to separate ideology from the State:

  • Freedom of Speech & Press - must be returned to at least where it was in the 1950s, Liberalism, before the internet, social media, woke politics, postmodernism, Queer Theory, Critical Race Theory, Gender Studies, Disability & Fat Studies, and Critical Social Justice impacted it. See: "SOCIAL (IN)JUSTICE," written by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay"SOCIAL.

  • Elimination of Government Political Interference & Profiteering in Our Free Market Capitalism - It is a conflict of interest for our government to be both the referee and player in our free market; that is not how American football is played. From natural law, we scientifically know there is an equal and opposite reaction to every action. Money introduced into free market capitalism untethered to productivity and value results in less productivity and value inflation. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

  • Progress and Success Depend on Merit - free Equity is similar to and has the same regressive results described in the last point. Liberal and progressive success in an objective real world depends on merit. Again, how do we know this? We know from Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection; our free market capitalism is designed according to this universal objective reality. Those that do not follow natural law fail. The government's role is to do its best to promote equal opportunity and freedom to succeed for every US citizen, NO FREE EQUITY.

  • Binary Sex - if you are liberal and progressive, you live in an objective real world. You are free to believe yourself to be LGBTQ... according to the US Constitution and the Rule of Law. You still are assigned binary sex by the same natural reality discussed in the above points. Others are free but not compelled to recognize your identity. The only thing everyone is obligated to do is treat you as a person with equal opportunity to succeed. Transgender sports competition violates the equal opportunity guaranteed to everyone by the Rule of Law.

Universal Human Rights

All individuals possess inherent human rights that are universal and inalienable. The Rule of Law applies to every person without exception. In a free market, equity is earned by each individual based on their merit, not on their religion, race, gender, age, or identity. The principles of liberalism, progress, and free market capitalism necessitate the establishment of a strict meritocracy and recognition of the right to own and earn property.

The fragility of liberalism lies in its celebration of diverse views and free speech that permits debate on all topics, even those that question the validity of liberalism itself. While illiberal-minded individuals might initially present subjective arguments as universal truth, objective and scientific arguments ultimately prevail. As President Lincoln famously remarked, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

Equality for Women, Racial Minorities, and LGBTG People

Today people are people with equal opportunities. If you listen to woke political marketing, today is worse than the 1950s when segregation, prejudice, and discrimination were evident but rapidly waning. As a child in the 1950s, I witnessed segregation everywhere. Still, it was quickly disappearing. I also saw my father choosing to grow his banking career, rising to a senior loan officer and VP of Port City State Bank in a disadvantaged black area of Houston, Texas, on Jensen Drive. He serviced mostly black and struggling immigrant customers, always supporting their character and ability to succeed and repay their loans. Thereby promoting their general welfare. His customers included Motown Records and The Jamail Family, from Lebanon, with their many businesses; they became famously successful.

One day, one of my father's construction company customers gave me my first job at 17, summer of 1961, and an older black man who was my superior. His name was Leroy, and he had the knowledge I lacked but no car nor driver's license, so I picked him up every morning and drove the big flatbed truck we used to paint a house, fill potholes in a strip mall parking lot, and build the forms for a large Texas ranch barn followed by forms for a 50,000 square foot machine shop in Houston, Texas. In the fall, I returned to high school with money in my pocket and more knowledge of construction, and Leroy drove himself to work in his truck with his new driver's license. Today, political marketers sell white supremacy and racism, driving a false political narrative.

A liberal progressive government is blind to sex, gender, race, religion, speech, and ideologies. After all, we fought a civil war to end slavery in 1870. We debated and gave women the right to vote in 1920. In 1964 we discussed and passed the Civil Rights Act. Since then, people have been people. We are all equal and can be successful if we try.

Bart Asked: What Does "Rule of Law" Mean?

The Rule of Law is a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions, and entities, public and private, including the state itself, are accountable to laws/regulations that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced, independently adjudicated, and consistent with international human rights principles. It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness and procedural and legal transparency.The Rule of Law is a fundamental principle of democracy and is essential for protecting human rights. It ensures that everyone is treated equally under the law, regardless of their social status, political affiliation, or other factors. The Rule of Law also protects against the abuse of power by the government and ensures that everyone has access to justice. There are several benefits to the Rule of Law. These include: Security: The Rule of Law provides a stable and predictable environment where people can live and work. This can help to reduce crime and violence. Prosperity: The Rule of Law creates an environment where businesses can thrive. This can lead to economic growth and job creation. Justice: The Rule of Law ensures that everyone is treated fairly. This can help to build trust between citizens and the government. Human rights: The Rule of Law protects human rights. This can help to create a more just and equitable society. The Rule of Law is essential for a just and prosperous society. It is important to work to strengthen the Rule of Law in all countries.

Things That Are Illiberal & Regressive

  1. Canceling history, Language, and Statues - all recorded history is a teaching opportunity no matter your politics. Liberalism wins.

  2. Canceling Scientific Method & Objective Reality - and using your subjective reality to control a collective of people. Forcing your reality and identity on others will be unsuccessful. Liberalism wins.

  3. Inclusion - is OK only if based on merit, freedom, and equal opportunity for everyone. Forcing your reality and/or identity on others will not be successful. You must market yourself to others in a free society.

  4. Social Equity - equity is value earned and property ownership; free equity is socialism.

  5. Critical Social Justice - The US Constitution and the Rule of Law guarantee Social Justice and equal opportunity for all, a good liberal-progressive thing. The US Constitution and the Rule of Law do not support Critical Social Justice. For a detailed explanation again, see "SOCIAL (IN)JUSTICE," written by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay."

  6. White Supremacy - is racism; each person's character must be judged separately, regardless of identity.

  7. Climate Change - A supermajority of US must justify the impact on our prosperity as required in our Constitution. The Government must do its best to apply scientific methods to arrive at a set of objective liberal-progressive facts and solutions. The current political solution comes at a draconian economic cost and is based on challenged predictions of damage to the environment 300 years in the future. Any solution not derived from democracy and free market capitalism is Big Government authoritarianism, not a government by the People. Where would The US be if a Climate Change movement stopped our progress 300 years ago, in 1723? Liberal free market capitalism, liberalism, tends to do the right thing; we are a Constitutional Republic Democracy, not a federal political authoritarian Government.

  8. Reparations to Wronged People - I have written an article titled 'Reparations?' that shows reparations are appropriate when the Rule of Law can identify the entity guilty of the wrongdoing, the entity wronged, and the ability of the wrongdoer to pay without creating another wrongdoing. The government has paid reparations directly to persons/entities experiencing the government's wrongdoing. It never has nor should it pay reparations to persons/entities who were not directly affected by the wrongdoing nor to any group due just to its identity. All government reparations have always been paid less than the value assigned to the wrongdoing. Governments are severely limited to how much they can pay without creating yet another wrongdoing.

Conclusion Generated By AI

In conclusion, the document presents a strong argument for limited government and the importance of the Rule of Law in protecting human rights and promoting fairness and equality. It highlights the dangers of government overreach and the need to separate ideologies from government. The document stresses the importance of meritocracy and equal opportunity for everyone, regardless of their social status, political affiliation, or other factors. It also touches on illiberal and regressive practices such as cancel culture, social equity, and critical social justice. Overall, the document advocates for a liberal and progressive society based on free-market capitalism and democracy, where individuals are empowered to succeed based on their own merit and hard work.
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Text From and To Captain John

From John:

Growing up in an apartheid-driven society, which I deeply hated, I learned a couple of things.

Post-apartheid quickly showed everyone that socialism does not work. Yes, we must have safety nets for those with issues, but excuses must not be made for laziness. Not being employed in the US and especially in California, is not as unattractive as it should be. With all the handouts etc., unemployment for the unmotivated is not a bad option and still gives a semi-decent standard of living for those who know how to play the system.

Most important, the problem with a society based on Equity is that a change in leadership simply means that…

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