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Writer's pictureTom Johnson, PopieTom

Oppressor and Oppressed (1)

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Having privilege is a blessing and a good thing. With privilege comes responsibility. Responsibility to do something with privilege for yourself, the people you love, and humanity. Someone -- yourself, your family worked hard so that you could have the opportunity to take advantage of your privilege to profit and then pass some of it on. Never be an Oppressor; use your privilege to make success happen with the most capable and hard-working people you encounter in win-win partnerships. Together, make charity available to the helpless. This is the America I have lived in for 79 years.

Progressive politicians, academics, and social activists divide US into Oppressors and the Oppressed. Systemic racism permeates our daily lives so overwhelmingly that we need to divert precious class time and curriculum to Critical Race Theory. Are We, The People, being GASLIGHTED?

What Is Real Objective Oppression?

Oppressor and oppressed are terms used to describe a relationship between two groups of people in which one group has power over the other and uses that power to exploit and control the other group. The oppressor group typically has more wealth, education, and political power than the oppressed group. They use this power to maintain their privilege and to keep the oppressed group in a state of subordination.

Gaslighting Aggressors Playing the Victim Oppression

Aggressive Gaslighting always starts with a bold, shocking, attention-getting act by the event's leaders/narcissists. As soon as the event is criticized, the group plays the victim, rallies its supporters, captures the news cycle, and rallies public opinion against its perceived enemy, the targeted oppressor. This serves two purposes—to distract from the group's behavior and to keep the perceived enemy, the targeted oppressor, off-kilter by quickly switching from an aggressor to a victim. This technique is so overused as We, The People, are almost at the point of recognizing it and becoming immune to its effect.

The Hamas-Palestinian and Israeli Conflict

This is a classic gaslighting aggressor playing the victim manipulation. In this case, the shocking act by Hamas, who brutally killed innocent Jews, took hostages, hid among innocent Palestinians, eliminated peace negotiations as they declared they would do it again, and immediately identified as the victim, knowing that the Israelis would have no choice but to defend themselves by eliminating Hamas and trying to free the hostages. What was strikingly surprising was the victimhood manipulation; the oppressed killers found supporters worldwide, including a considerable following among young Americans on college campuses, most disappointing was Harvard.

The economic differences between Palestinian and Jewish cultures are complex and multifaceted, reflecting historical, political, and social factors. My analysis of the situation is that the many cultural and historical differences have been around and understood for many, many years; so, let us look at what triggered this heinous action by Hamas. The weak leadership in the United States, whose money and climate change policies contributed to giving Iran the means and will to trigger an attempt to destroy Israel. The most likely trigger was the economy-culture differences.

Points of Conflict

  • The right to sovereignty and security, as well as access to oil, gas, and water, are key factors behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  • The key issues are mutual recognition and security, borders, water rights, control of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, Palestinian freedom of movement,[and Palestinian right of return.

  • The central issues are territory, refugees, compensation, and the status of Jerusalem. This location has great religious importance to both groups.

Israel Occupation, Settlements, Since the 1967 War

There are over 100 Israeli illegal outposts in the West Bank. In total, over 450,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem, with an additional 220,000 Jewish settlers residing in East Jerusalem. Additionally, over 25,000 Israeli settlers live in the Golan Heights.

Cultural Differences

  • Value of Education

    • Jewish: Highly valued. Education is seen as a key to economic success. Palestinian: Also valued, but there is a greater focus on practical skills and vocational training.

  • Entrepreneurial Spirit

    • Jewish: Strong entrepreneurial spirit. Jews have been involved in trade and commerce for centuries.

    • Palestinian: More traditional and risk-averse approach to business.

  • Work Ethic

    • Jewish: Hard work is highly valued. Jews are known for their diligence and perseverance.

    • Palestinians: Also value hard work, but there is a greater emphasis on family and community.

  • Savings Rate

    • Jewish: High savings rate. Jews are known for their frugality and financial discipline.

    • Palestinian: Lower savings rate. Palestinians are more likely to spend their money on immediate needs.

Impact on The Palestine Economy

Economic Indicator Before Occupation After Occupation Decline

GDP per capita (USD) 668 1412 111.38%

Unemployment rate (%) 7.5 26.1 248.00%

Poverty rate (%) 10.0 23.5 135.00%

Trade deficit (USD million) 100 1440 1340.00%

Reliance on foreign aid (%) 5.0 32.5 550.00%

Access to land (%) 95.0 45.0 -52.63%

Access to water (%) 90.0 50.0 -44.44%

Access to electricity (%) 85.0 40.0 -52.94%

Google's AI-Bard on Palestine Economy

"As you can see, the Palestinian economy has experienced a significant decline in all economic indicators listed above. This decline is a direct result of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories. The occupation has restricted Palestinian access to land and resources, imposed several restrictions on Palestinian trade and movement, and led to the destruction of Palestinian infrastructure. These factors have made it difficult for Palestinians to develop their economy and to compete with Israeli businesses.

The economic decline in the Palestinian territories has had a devastating impact on the lives of Palestinians. It has led to widespread poverty and unemployment, and it has made it difficult for Palestinians to access basic necessities such as food, water, and healthcare. The decline in the Palestinian economy is a major obstacle to peace in the region. It is important to address this issue to improve the lives of Palestinians and to promote a just and lasting peace."


Hamas, considered a terrorist organization, has controlled Gaza since 2007, when it ousted the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority in a violent takeover after winning the Palestinian elections the previous year. Israel decided to leave Gaza in 2005, withdrawing its forces and removing some 9,000 Jewish settlers living there. Given the culture and leadership obsessed with terrorism running the economy, I think Google Bard is a little biased for not mentioning this.

Israeli-Palestine Win-Win Partnership Needed

There is human law for peace and human law for war. First, Hamas must go, and the killers must be held accountable. One can hope for a win-win deal with the Palestinian Authority (PA). After the pain of war, the Gaza Palestinians are probably ready to vote for PA and peace. In return for a permanent two-state peace, Israel must consider a win-win free market capitalistic economy based on religious freedom where common law must be negotiated between Judaism and Islam.

Climate Change

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